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About myself
17.04.2010, 23:29
About myself

My name is … . I’m a pupil of the 9th form of the secondary school #****. Our school gives general education. My class used to be a specialized humanitarian class. We have special programs in Russian, Russian Literature and History. I always liked social sciences and I enjoy staying here.

I’m fifteen. I’m tall, slim, dark-haired young lady. I’m the only child in my family and I’m very upset of this. I would like to have a sister or a brother.

But I don’t feel alone: I have many friends in our school. We spend o lot of time together, we walk, play badminton and computer and just chatter.

I’m fond of reading and playing computer games. I like adventure books, I’ve read most of Alexander Dumas novels. Best of all I liked “The Three Musqueteers” and “The Black Tulip”. At the present time I’m reading the detective stories of Sydney Sheldon.

I like cooking. I can make pizza and sweet small cakes. My mother says that I do it better than she does.
I’m very active and like sports. I like to play tennis, badminton, to ride a bicycle and to swim. My new hobby is roller-skating and we have a lot of fun with my friends.

Категория: Англ яз | Добавил: Vikki
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