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Cities of the USA
17.04.2010, 23:52
Cities of the USA

Amounts large and famous American cites are Chicago, Boston, Philadelphia, Los Angeles, San Francisco and New York. Washington is the capital of the USA. It is situated on the Potomac River in the District of Columbia. D. Washington chose the place. The city was founded in 1791 and named after the first president. Now Washington is the residents of the president and the congress. The center of the city is on Capital Hill. This building houses both the senate and a House of Representatives. The White House is one of the oldest buildings in the city. It is the president’s residents. Washington is a large scientific and cultural center. There are five universities in the city. The national academy of sciences and the library of congress are in Washington too. The national museum, the old and new national galleries of art, Washington, Jefferson and Lincoln memorials are among the city sites.

New York is the largest city in USA. It is an economic, financial, scientific and cultural center. Dutch settlers founded the city in 17 century. The heart of the New York is Manhattan. It was hear that the Dutch built the first building of the town. The name Wall Street remained from our days. The business center of New York is near Wall Street. Another famous street is Broadway. It is the longest and the widest street in New York. It is the street there most famous theaters are situated. New York is the city of famous skyscrapers. The highest buildings are Impure State Building and the united national building.

Категория: Англ яз | Добавил: Vikki
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